Day 21: Official CDC Word on Double-Masking
After a quick study, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention gave their official approval of double-masking. The instinct to improve protection from Covid by layering one mask with another is on point, they said.
Specifically, their method tested combining a cloth or medical mask with a “respirator” like the N95.
“Masks substantially reduce exhaled respiratory droplets and aerosols from infected wearers and reduce exposure of uninfected wearers to these particles,” they reported. “… The effectiveness of cloth and medical procedure masks can be improved by ensuring that they are well fitted to the contours of the face to prevent leakage of air around the masks’ edges.
According to their experiments, double-masking or “knotted and tucked” masks (knotting the ear loops and tucking the extra material around the face) reduced the wearer’s exposure by at least 90 percent.
“Until vaccine-induced population immunity is achieved,” they said, “universal masking is a highly effective means to slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2 when combined with other protective measures, such as physical distancing, avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated indoor spaces, and good hand hygiene.”
Many of us have already been donning a double mask of sorts, of course, putting our best face forward amid the double pandemics of Covid and political turmoil.